RELAXIUM® Sleep is the Only Drug-Free Sleep Aid Developed by a
Clinical Neurologist. Claim Your 14-Night Trial Now!

Dear Friend,

How often do you get a good night’s sleep? I’m talking about the kind of deep, rejuvenating, uninterrupted slumber that leaves you feeling refreshed in the morning and ready to take on the day with enthusiasm.

If the answer is “not often,” you’re not alone. Tens of millions of Americans struggle every night to get adequate, restful sleep.

The most common problems people report are:

  • Difficulty falling asleep
  • Tossing and turning
  • Waking up periodically
  • Waking up too early

If you’ve ever experienced any of these problems, you are probably all too familiar with the immediate consequences of not sleeping well. Getting out of bed in the morning is painful. You don’t feel renewed or energized. You’re lethargic throughout the day and rely on hefty doses of caffeine just to stay awake. Your performance at work may suffer. You’re moody and irritable. You look tired.

A recent study showed that just one night of poor sleep can have a significant negative impact on your blood sugar balance the next day.1 What you may not be aware of, however, is how not sleeping well threatens nearly every aspect of your health and wellbeing, including your longevity. The fact is — your lack of sleep may slowly be killing you.

The fact is you need a good night’s sleep — each and every night.

I’m Dr. Eric Ciliberti, MD, founder of the American Behavioral Research Institute. I specialize in neurology and have been helping people get the sleep they need — naturally — for over 20 years. I’ve authored numerous medical papers and have given lectures all over the country. When I’m not seeing patients at my clinic in Florida, I’m researching safe, drug-free ways to help people overcome sleep problems.

Please keep reading because I have some important information to share with you about the dangers associated with the conventional approach to addressing sleep concerns. I’ll also tell you about a drug-free sleep solution that will improve your health in more ways than you ever thought possible.



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You Need To Sleep! Here’s Why…

These days, life can be so busy and stressful that it’s hard to just “let it go” and wind down at night. But take my word for it, you don’t want to let anything cheat yourself out of the sleep you need.

Research has shown that getting enough sleep:

  • Boosts energy, focus, concentration and coordination2
  • Keeps your brain functioning optimally as you age2
  • Increases your capacity for dealing with stress3
  • Supports a strong, healthy immune system4
  • Keeps your cardiovascular system healthy5
  • May help keep certain cancers at bay6
  • Promotes muscle repair and healing throughout the body7
  • Fights wrinkles and keeps skin looking youthful8
  • Helps to keep blood sugar balanced9
  • Can help you eat less and maintain a healthy weight10

I often hear patients say, “But Dr. Ciliberti, I function just fine on five or six hours of sleep. My body’s used to it.” What they don’t understand is that they are damaging their body each and every night by depriving their bodies of the critical healing processes that occur during deep sleep.

How Sleep Keeps You Young

While you sleep, your body repairs cells and restores the energy you used up during the day. When you miss out on sleep, your body starts to get run down — and you literally begin to age faster.

Let me explain. At night while you’re sleeping, your body releases a drug-free chemical called human growth hormone (HGH). Its primary role is to undo the physical stress exerted on the body from daily activity. Your body literally heals when you sleep. Unfortunately, HGH production declines significantly as we age, and it’s thought that this decline is one of the primary contributors to the aging process.

Although HGH has been synthesized and is available as a prescription, taking it comes with some serious risks. The best way to ensure that your drug-free HGH levels stay high as you age is to get a good night’s sleep each and every night. Why rely on dangerous drugs when your body can produce what you need naturally? Research shows that getting to sleep before midnight is vital, as this helps to trigger the release of HGH, so it can do its job healing and repairing your body.11

The Problems With Big Pharma’s Sleeping Pills

If you go to most doctors complaining of sleep problems, he or she will likely be quick to write you a prescription for a sleeping pill (technically known as a hypnotic) or anti-anxiety medication, without asking many questions. And most people won’t think twice about filling it. But despite what you may have been led to believe, research has shown that these pills come with serious side effects — even if you only take them occasionally.6

A recent study published in the British Medical Journal showed that people who take sleeping pills — even those who take fewer than 18 pills in a year — have nearly four times the risk of death of those who don’t take them. And patients who take higher doses of sleeping pills have a 35% increased cancer risk. Studies have also linked sleeping pills to daytime drowsiness, headaches, nausea, increased risk of car accidents and falls, depression and cognitive impairment.12,13,14

What’s worse, studies have shown that sleeping pills are EXTREMELY habit-forming;15 so many people end up “hooked” before they even realize what’s happening. Meanwhile, Big Pharma is spending big bucks on clever advertising designed to make these drugs seem like a safe and effective solution to sleep problems. Unfortunately, these ads have been pretty successful. Americans spend approximately $4.5 billion each year on sleep medications, according to The New York Times.16



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Restoring Your Drug-Free Sleep Cycles Is Key To Better Sleep

Here’s another thing… Pharmaceutical sleep aids do absolutely NOTHING to restore the body’s drug-free sleep cycles and can actually make things much worse in the long term. For example, many prescription sleep aids prevent your body from cycling through the multiple critical stages of sleep. It’s hard to say what’s worse — the effects of not sleeping well or the effects of taking a pharmaceutical drug to “fix” the problem.

These are the reasons why I’ve devoted my life to helping people address sleep concerns using safe, effective and all-drug-free tools and strategies. I never recommend prescription sleep aids to my patients. The truth — that the pharmaceutical companies don’t want you to know about — is that there are simple, inexpensive, non-habit-forming and scientifically proven ways to get the restful, revitalizing sleep you need — and YOU deserve to know about them.

My Drug-Free Approach To Helping You Sleep

I have had great success using drug-free, non-pharmaceutical means to help my patients sleep soundly through the night. The key, I’ve discovered, is combining remedies that promote relaxation and help to mitigate the harmful effects of stress on the body with those that help to restore the body’s drug-free sleep cycles.

Here are the drug-free sleep aids that I’ve found to be the most effective with my patients:

  • Ashwagandha: Ashwagandha is a powerful adaptogen that has played an important role in Ayurvedic medicine for thousands of years and is often overlooked as a drug-free sleep aid. Adaptogens are herbs that help increase the body’s resistance to stress and bring the body back into balance once it has been stressed, which is critical to restoring healthy sleep patterns17,18
  • Magnesium: Replenishing the body’s stores of this essential mineral confers profound physical relaxation benefits. Magnesium helps to regulate lactic acid levels, which may increase muscle tension, anxiety and irritability if they are too high. Most people are actually deficient in magnesium and may experience difficulty sleeping as a result.19
  • L-Tryptophan: The two main biomolecules that are involved in the production of normal sleep—the neurotransmitter serotonin and the hormone melatonin—are both naturally made from tryptophan in the body. That makes L-Tryptophan tremendously valuable in promoting restful sleep.
  • Melatonin: Melatonin is a hormone that your brain produces every night when it is time to go to sleep. It helps to facilitate the transition between wake and sleep.20 What many people do not know about melatonin is that it is also one of your body’s most potent antioxidants, and has been associated with slowing the aging process.21
  • Valerian, Hops, Chamomile and Passionflower: Western herbalists have relied on these four sleep and relaxation-inducing herbs for hundreds of years. Each one contains unique phytochemicals that help to regulate neurotransmitters, soothe nerves, calm the mind and promote deep, restful sleep.22,23,24,25
  • GABA (100 mg): Gamma Amino Butyric Acid is a neurotransmitter that relieves anxiety, helps you get good sleep, relax, and wind down. A placebo controlled clinical trial confirmed that GABA has an effect of improving quality of sleep, easing stress and increasing duration of uninterrupted sleep. An added benefit, GABA appears to help keep cortisol at a lower level. This is great news for the weight conscious.

WARNING: Don’t Take Just Any Drug-Free Sleep Product

I’ve found in my clinical experience that a specific combination of the drug-free sleep aids I listed above, and at very precise dosages, is most effective. The problem with most sleep supplements is that they only contain a single ingredient (melatonin being the most common). And even worse, they often contain ingredients of sub-par quality and doses that are far too low to have any significant impact.

I’ve heard way too many times from new patients that they tried drug-free sleep products and they just “didn’t work.” However, in almost all cases, they just had not found the right product. My patients are always amazed when I put them on the correct regimen at just how effective these drug-free sleep aids can be, and how much better they feel within a matter of days.



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The All-In-One Sleep Solution I Personally Recommend

Many of my patients complained about the expense and inconvenience of taking the very specific regimen of drug-free sleep aids I was recommending. They also found it difficult to find the high-quality ingredients and precise doses I was recommending.

So, in order to offer my patients a simple, affordable all-in-one sleep solution that I could feel confident in recommending, I developed my own synergistic sleep formula, which I call Relaxium®. I believe that this formula is superior to anything else out there — I use it myself every night, and my patients have had amazing successes using it.

My goal in creating Relaxium® was to offer an ultra-premium, drug-free, effective and non-habit-forming sleep aid at an affordable price. This way, everyone can easily and safely get the benefits of healthy sleep, without worrying about dangerous side effects.

Here’s the perfect synergistic blend of ingredients I put in Relaxium®:

  • Ashwagandha extract (125 mg): The ashwagandha I’ve included in Relaxium® is an amazingly effective extract. A recent clinical trial conducted on this high potency extract showed that it can decrease stress and anxiety by up to 70%, improve your ability to sleep through the night by 71%, increase daytime energy by 53% and improve concentration by 50%.26
  • Valerest®, a blend of hops and valerian extracts (228.9 mg): This proprietary blend of hops and valerian works to induce sleep safely and naturally. Herbalists have used this combination of herbs for thousands of years to promote sound sleep and relaxation. The extracts in my formula are made from the freshest sources of these herbs for maximum potency.
  • Magnesium citrate, glycinate, oxide (100 mg): Magnesium is my preferred mineral across the board. It goes to work immediately, relaxing muscles throughout the body and promoting the release of mental and physical tension.
  • L-Tryptophan (500 mg): The two main biomolecules that are involved in the production of normal sleep—the neurotransmitter serotonin and the hormone melatonin—are both naturally made from tryptophan in the body. That makes L-Tryptophan tremendously valuable in promoting restful sleep.
  • Melatonin (5 mg): This drug-free hormone is key to any effective drug-free sleep formula. In my experience, 5 milligrams of melatonin is the perfect dose — just enough to trigger the body’s drug-free sleep cycle, but not so much that it leaves you feeling groggy the next day. The melatonin in my formula is free of the contaminants often found in low-quality melatonin.
  • Chamomile extract (75 mg): This high potency chamomile extract delivers the very same nerve-soothing relaxation benefits as a cup of chamomile tea. The difference is that the active constituents of the herb have been carefully extracted from a high quality source, so you know what you’re getting is pure and powerful.
  • Passionflower extract (75 mg): Passionflower is an ancient anti-stress remedy that helps to combat everyday anxiety by regulating neurotransmitters in the brain that control mood and sleep. I found an extremely potent source of this herb that offers superior purity and effectiveness.
  • GABA (100 mg): Gamma Amino Butyric Acid is a neurotransmitter that relieves anxiety, helps you get good sleep, relax, and wind down. A placebo controlled clinical trial confirmed that GABA has an effect of improving quality of sleep, easing stress and increasing duration of uninterrupted sleep. An added benefit, GABA appears to help keep cortisol at a lower level. This is great news for the weight conscious.

I encourage you to do your own research, to make sure I’m not just trying to steer you in to buying my own product. The most important thing to me is that you get a good, healing sleep every night. But here’s why I am confident that Relaxium® is simply the best formula and best value out there:

  • The perfect synergistic blend of ingredients, based on my clinical experience and background as a medical doctor
  • The highest quality ingredients available for reliable potency and effectiveness
  • It’s safe and non-habit-forming, meaning it comes with no risk of side effects or dependency
  • It’s made in the USA in an FDA-inspected facility for quality you can trust
  • It’s an incredible value! If you purchased all of the ingredients found in Relaxium® separately, you’d be paying 5 times more and taking 3 times as many pills

About Dr. Eric F. Ciliberti, MD, MS

Dr. Eric Ciliberti is a board certified physician specializing in neurology. Highly respected for his extensive experience with acute disorders of the nervous system, Dr. Ciliberti is considered one of the foremost experts on sleep, stress and anxiety. Dr. Ciliberti has medical degrees from several prominent universities, including Georgetown University. He has trained with world-renowned leaders in his field of expertise and has been practicing medicine since 1991. He is an active member of the American Academy of Neurology, Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Anxiety Disorders Association of America, and one of the founding members of the American Behavioral Research Institute. Dr. Ciliberti is a lecturer and author of several medical publications, and he has appeared on several national cable television channels. He resides in Boca Raton, Florida with his wife and two wonderful children.

To Your Good Health,


Dr. Eric Ciliberti, M.D.
Clinical Neurologist /Sleep Expert