Perfect Synergistic Blend of Ingredients in Relaxium Sleep

by Dec 15, 2022Sleep Aid Ingredients0 comments

Dec 15, 2022

It’s no secret that Relaxium Sleep utilizes a perfect synergistic blend of ingredients in its formula. Dr. Eric Ciliberti is a clinical neurologist who constantly worked with patients who struggled with insomnia. Dr. Ciliberti spent years of clinical research in order to perfect his ultimate drug free sleep solution. He realized when treating patients that most sleep aids are formulated with little scientific understanding of the causes of sleeplessness. After not being satisfied by other products on the market, he decided to create his own supplement. He searched for the most powerful ingredients that were backed by only the strongest of scientific data available. Through his research, he combined a perfect blend of ingredients that are guaranteed to help promote sleep, along with many other amazing benefits. This amazing blend includes his very own clinically studied Valerest®, and ashwagandha, melatonin, chamomile extract, passionflower extract, and GABA. Double-blind placebo-controlled clinical studies show that Relaxium Sleep helps you fall asleep faster, stay asleep longer and wake up feeling refreshed.


In his quest to find the best ingredients to create a perfect formula, he came across a University Clinical study where valerian and hops were measured against Melatonin alone and another pharmaceutical drug diphenhydramine. Dr. Ciliberti was so impressed with the findings that showed this amazing combination significantly improved the quality of life through better sleep, that he produced a proprietary blend of valerian and hops, trademarked as Valerest®. Valerest® is an exclusive component to Relaxium Sleep, and is exclusive to this supplement. 


Along with Valerest®, Dr. Eric Ciliberti realized how important ashwagandha extract would be to include in his supplement. Ashwagandha is an evergreen shrub that grows in Asia and Africa. The ashwagandha he uses in Relaxium is an extremely effective and powerful extract. During one of his clinical trials, he found that it can reduce stress levels by up to 70%, it can improve your ability to sleep through the night by 71%, can increase daytime energy by 53%, and can improve concentration by 50%. After these studies, he knew it had to be one of the ingredients in his Relaxium Sleep supplement.


Melatonin is a sleep-promoting hormone that is produced while you sleep. This natural hormone is key to any effective natural sleep formula. Melatonin alone doesn’t offer all the sleep benefits you want in a supplement, such as: waking up feeling refreshed, mood balance, or promoting relaxation. Ciliberti discovered that 5 milligrams was the perfect dose. It was just enough to trigger the body’s natural sleep cycle, but not so much that it will leave you feeling groggy and out of it the next morning. The melatonin that is found in Relaxium is free of the contaminants that can often be found in lower-quality melatonin. 

Chamomile Extract

Chamomile extract is one of the oldest known medicinal herbs. It is a flowering plant in the daisy family, native to Europe and Western Asia. It is found to be used for various medicinal purposes. The chamomile extract used in Relaxium is a very high potency, and delivers the same nerve-soothing relaxation benefits that a cup of chamomile tea produces. Dr. Ciliberti is adamant that the active constituents of the herb have been very carefully extracted from a high-quality source, so you know you are getting a very pure and powerful dose of the herb.

Passionflower Extract

Passionflower extract is another herb that has been used for thousands of years for medicinal purposes. Passionflower is a climbing vine that is native to the southeastern United States and Central and South America. Native people have been using passionflower as a sedative since almost the sixteenth century. Today, passionflower extract is used for various reasons. It is a dietary supplement that aids in helping sleepiness, as well as pain, menopausal symptoms, hearth rhythm problems, and much more. This ancient anti-stress remedy helps to combat everyday anxiety and stressors by regulating neurotransmitters in the brain that control mood and the ability to sleep. Dr. Eric Ciliberti once again found an extremely potent version of this herb, offering superior purity and effectiveness in its dosage.


GABA (Gamma Aminobutyric Acid) is a known neurotransmitter that relieves stress and anxiety. It works to lessen a nerve cell’s ability to create, receive, or send chemical messages to other nerve cells. In other words, it helps you to get a good night’s sleep, relax, and wind down. Dr. Ciliberti found that a placebo controlled clinical trial confirmed GABA to have an effect on improving overall quality of sleep, easing stress, and increasing duration of uninterrupted sleep. GABA can even help to control cortisol levels. 


Magnesium is a nutrient that is involved in muscle and nerve function, and it helps to regulate blood pressure and blood sugar. It can also help regulate neurotransmitters that are directly related to sleep. Magnesium is Dr. Ciliberti’s preferred mineral across the board. It immediately goes to work, relaxing muscles throughout the body and promoting the release of mental and physical tension. Magnesium has many sleep-enhancing benefits such as improving your quality of sleep, making it easier to fall asleep, and reducing symptoms of restless legs syndrome (which is commonly known to interrupt sleep). Magnesium is one of the key ingredients included in Relaxium because of its amazing benefits.

Dr. Eric Ciliberti really only had one thing in mind when creating Relaxium- he wanted to help people! He wanted to create an ultra-premium, drug-free, effective, and non-habit forming sleep aid, at an affordable price! Through finding a perfect blend of ingredients, he was able to create a one-stop supplement for sleep. You won’t have to worry about counting sheep, or tossing and turning all night anymore. Try for yourself and start noticing the amazing benefits of Relaxium Sleep right away.

To restful and healthy days ahead,

The Relaxium Team

* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease


[1] Ashwagandha- Uses, Side Effects, and More (

[2] Melatonin- Uses, Side Effects, and More (

[3] What is Chamomile? (

[4] Passionflower (

[5] Does Magnesium Help You Sleep? (